-----------------------------------------------------------photos by Steve Azzera
Marvelyn Brown - The Naked Truth: Young, Beautiful, & (HIV) Positive!
She's done National Talk Shows and television, Oprah and Tyra to name a few. She's been featured in numerous magazines, and has done PSA's for HIV/AIDS, leading to her winning an EMMY in 2007. And now she's here on VJBS!
But AIDS is not who this beautiful young lady is.
She is a woman, a friend, a daughter, a significant other, an entrepreneur, a business owner, and she's working on her first book, "The Naked Truth: Young, Beautiful, & (HIV) Positive," due to be released later this year.
I know you guys have been waiting for this and it's finally here! I had the honor of interviewing Marvelyn live on yesterday. It was absolutely wonderful and so enlightening.
Her story will compel you.
You'll laugh,
you'll want to cry,
you'll never be the same,
and you will definitely leave VJBS with more
knowledge and compassion than you had before
you came.
But the best part is - drum roll, please-
you can listen to it right here, right now!
That's right. Live here on VJBS live!
Check out the Blogtalk Radio player.
Press play, sit back, relax and enjoy the music, or simply browse around while
you're waiting on Ms. Marvelyn join us.
Marvelyn's first book, The Naked Truth: Young, Beautiful, & (HIV) positive, will be released this coming August!
For more on Marvelyn, log on to:
Peace, Love, Light, & Safe Sex,
-music written, produced, and arranged by
Darrin Jefferson
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