From Dusk to Dawn: Against all odds 2008 Virtual Book Tour

From Dusk to Dawn
Niambi Brown Davis
Parker Publishing, May 1st, 2008
$10.95 US;
ISBN-10: 1600430368
Meet Bilal and Ayo, two people who are polar opposites in every way. He’s 32 and she’s 42. Bilal is ready to get married and start a family. Ayo, on the other hand, is a comfortably relaxed, in- her own skin widow with a 20 year old son. And she's certain her child-bearing days are over. Bilal is Muslim, and Ayo is most certainly not. Neither Bilal's father, nor Ayo's son are too happy about the relationship. These two, having nothing in common, would struggle to even hold a conversation, much less fall in love? And after their disastrous first encounter, you’d think it was impossible. Or is it?
But not so fast. I’ve been invited to participate in the FROM DUSK TO DAWN: Against All Odds 2008 Virtual Book Tour. Debut author, Niambi Brown Davis, has asked me this question, "Which of these issues--older woman/younger man; different faiths; disgruntled family members; late in life motherhood/infertily has the potential to wreck the most havoc on Ayo and Bilal's relationship and keep them from walking down the aisle.
But before I give my perspective, watch the trailer.
The fate of this relationship is quite questionable since there are issues and obstacles right from the very beginning. From their May/December romance, to their different faiths and feelings regarding children/starting a family, to the disapproval of family members, this couple will definitely find out if their love is real enough to last. But for the sake of blogging, I'm going to delve into all the different obstacles facing them and decide which one I think could possibly manifest the biggest problems and be the hardest to overcome.
Albeit, all relationships are a work in progress, but starting off behind the eight ball only makes things harder. Notice I didn't say impossible? And while I do believe any of these challenges could potentially cause havoc in a relationship, I think the biggest issue facing this couple is their different religious beliefs. All the other obstacles can be overcome by the mighty "L" word. But having very different religious beliefs and faiths would be the most detrimental in any relationship, even if the love is true.
Because a person's faith and religious customs and beliefs may influence the way he or she eats, sleeps, prays, and possibly even celebrates holidays, it would be ridiculous to think that a major difference in two views would be of little concern. Also, that faith is the determining factor for how the person will both act and react in a certain situation and how circumstances are viewed. It makes no difference if the situation or circumstance is positive or negative, serious or not so serious. So when crises occur within that relationship, if the two people involved are not in some sort of agreement about how to handle them, or at least what the expected the outcomes should be, then chances for having huge, unresolved issues, which can lead to breakdown in communication and ultimately broken relationships, increase drastically.
Now we all know that every relationship will cause a few scrapes and bruises from time to time. But when the love is real, these hurts will heal easily and be barely noticeable in no time. But when you start mixing religions or trying to change a person's belief system and how he or she worships and views the world, now we're talking big, gaping wound territory.
This novel is most extraordinary! National Best-selling Romance and Romantic Suspence Author, Deidre Savoy, describes it as Sizzling!
You DON'T want to miss this one!
About the author:
Niambi was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. She and her family lived for many years in Washington, DC and for three and a half years, made the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago their home. She has written for Bronze Thrills, True Confessions and Black Romance Magazines. Niambi indulged her passion for sailing and travel by serving as publicist for the Black Boaters Summit and as a member of the National Association of Black Travel Writers. Presently, Niambi writes for Travel Lady Magazine. Her first digital novella was published in January 2008 by Arrow Publications, LLC. Aside from writing and travel, Niambi is an avid reader of historical fiction, and deeply involved in tracing the history of both branches of her family tree. Her day job is running the business of Sand & Silk/Soleful Strut, where she produces private label products for hair and skincare companies as well as her own line of handcrafted soaps, creams and scrubs.
For more information on Niambi Brown Davis, please visit:
The Against All Odds 2008 Virtual Book Tour hosted by Yasmin Coleman of
Peace, Love, Light, & Good Reading,
posted by Vee Jefferson @ Tuesday, May 06, 2008
The Humble Housewife 2008 Virtual Book Tour
Sweet Georgia Brown
Cheryl Robinson
NAL Trade, January 2, 2008
$13.95 US; ISBN: 0451222288
Meet Georgia Brown-a humble housewife determined to become a household name….
After eleven years of marriage, Georgia Brown is fed up with her husband, Marvin, a popular radio personality. It’s not just because she suspects he’s having an affair, or because she’s suddenly expected to raise his thirteen-year-old daughter, Chloe-whom she never even knew existed. It’s because of the comments he makes about her weight, their marriage, and their sex life…on national radio! Now, to save their marriage, Marvin invites Georgia to the station for an on-air rebuttal . . . .
I’ve been invited to participate in the SWEET GEORGIA BROWN: Humble Housewife 2008 Virtual Book Tour. Cheryl Robinson, the author of this exciting new release has asked me the question, “If I was in her humble housewife, Georgia Brown’s shoes, what would my on-air rebuttal be?”
But before I give my rebuttal, watch the trailer.
Sweet Georgia Brown
Vee's Rebuttal
"Marvin, I'm still mad as hell! You bringing these strangers into our bedroom?! How could you do that? You bring all this drama into my life at home, and then have the nerve to disgrace me on live radio? And you've got them thinking you're all that and you've got it going on. Well honey, seems to me that I'm not the only one who could use a little stretching. And I ain't talking 'bout your mind, if you know what I mean!
But see baby, I never would have taken it there, not on air. But you wanna play dirty, so okay let's do it.
You see, all these things you think are so wrong with me, some see as beauty. And I could conform to your ideal, if I chose to. I could change myself and my weight, but it wouldn't change who I am. But now you, can you change the s...
You know what? Never mind. humh. I can't even play your game. I'm too classy for this. The honest truth is I loved you. And all your imperfections, I adored, because I adored you. But I tell you what, Marvin, I deserve better.
And I WON'T hold you any longer, dear.
You have broken my heart, but you will NOT break my spirit,
and you WILL NOT steal my joy.
Not anymore.
You are
And baby...your things will be outside waiting for you when you get home.
This is Sweet Georgia Brown, everyone, signing off."
For more info on Cheryl Robinson, please visit:
Video directed by Brett Haley
posted by Vee Jefferson @ Thursday, January 24, 2008
Never Without You...Again, by Francine Craft
I just had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Francine Craft, author of Never Without You...Again. The multi-talented Ms. Craft is a national best selling romance writer whose novels have completely captured the hearts of her readers. After reading her latest treasure, I decided I wanted to know a little more about the lady behind the pages of,
Never Without You… Again

Francine: I have had especially good luck with a rekindled romance, so it remains solidly in my heart as an all time favorite. I think this is the major reason the story is so special to me.
Vee: Hunter Davis is a renowned photographer in this novel and you mention that photography is one of your hobbies. Tell us more about this hobby and how you incorporated it into this story.
Francine: I don't have as much time for photography as I've had in the past, but I still like to read the books on photography and study the photographs of masters and amateurs. I've taken some photos in my time that friends and those in the field have praised highly. Like so many people, I probably have a natural knack for it.
Vee: How have readers and reviewers responded to this new release so far?
Francine: Readers and reviewers have been wonderful concerning Never Without You....Again. I just got a notice that the book has sold out, which doesn't mean it isn't still very much on sale and available. Readers and reviewers have been more than kind, with many singing praise. This doesn't mean it doesn't have its detractors, but there haven't been many, and I think the late President Truman said it best: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
Vee: Do all of your books contain a special message you want readers to grasp and understand?
Francine: I think all my books contain a message or messages:
1) Learn to trust yourself and others, whatever you do, and be discriminating about it,
2)Love and caring are so absolutely necessary to a good life.
Vee: What makes a good heroine and what qualities should a good hero have?
Francine: I think a heroine should be loving (or at least have the capacity to be), be caring and want to trust her heart. She is a good friend and a good lover. She is dedicated to finding the best that life has to offer and to lending what aid and assistance she can to others. A hero should have the same qualities, but men have been trained to hide these qualities under a macho mask.
Vee: What do you enjoy most hearing from your fans?
Francine: I just enjoy about everything I hear from my fans. I have been privileged to get some of the most warm-hearted, endearing letters you can imagine, and trust me I answer right away. I love it when fans identify with the characters in my books and when they write long letters and tell me about this or the other character. My own head is often chock-full of characters to come and I don't always instantaneously remember, but I'm charmed, pleased and just go into orbit when they do this. I also love it when fans suggest spin-offs and other books and I've been able to use a few of these. The personal touch is big with me; when someone says why on earth did you have so and so do such and such? I laugh out loud and think about it. And yes, I love good, constructive criticism and I think I develop from it. You didn't ask, but I'll tell you what I don't like and that's when someone takes off on me in a mindless, vindictive tear and without rhyme or reason picks something I've written to pieces. But hey, that's all a part of the game. You've got to learn early that you just can't win them all.
Francine: No Vee, thanks for having me and much love!
About the Author
Never Without You . . . Again by Francine Craft is available wherever books are sold!
posted by Vee Jefferson @ Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sweet web site, I hadn't come across earlier during my searches!
Carry on the superb work!
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Sure, Oliver.
Would love for you to.
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