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I absolutely love romance. And although I'm excited about being on "The A Love For All Times Virtual Book Tour," hosted by Ms. Marlive Harris of TheGrits.com, this stop is not just about being hostess for a day. Ms. Taylor-Jones, author of this wonderfully romantic novel, wants me to answer the question, "Does everyone have a soul mate?"
Well it's certainly a beautiful thought, offering hope to the millions of women unlucky at love in this world. It's a lovely sentiment to hold on to, helping them through the sleepless, lonely nights. Something to cling to when their bodies are cold and untouched and unloved by another of their choice (gotta make sure to put that in there). An idea that conjures up beautiful, romantic dreams when they lie down to sleep, only to be awakened by the cold reality that they are still as alone as they were before they fell asleep. Not to mention the daunting task of continuing to believe. And so they send out even more positive affirmations to the universe: "I still believe in love, and I still believe he's out there!" ...uh... hah, I-I mean they.
But the truth is, if there are soul mates for everyone, a lot of people fail to find them, because numbers don't lie. And there is a definite disparity in the statistics for single, black women. Unfortunately, I'm in the number.
Another thing to ponder...
What exactly is a soul mate anyway?
It can't simply be the equivalent of a partner or spouse. I have a hard time believing that everyone in a relationship is actually with their soul mate. I think a soul mate is someone who shares an extra*ordinary bond with someone on many different levels, and on many different planes. I believe soul mates not only share love, but also soul experiences and soul lessons, and not always as a couple. That depends on which lessons we're here to learn at that particular time. So if one just happens to share a love relationship with a true soul mate, then the experience is so much richer than any ordinary love. Not many people are willing to wait for such thing as this, and so they settle.
And so my answer is an emphatic and optimistic, "YES! Everyone does have a soul mate." What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic. I choose to believe that while I'm preparing myself for a love relationship with my soul mate, he's out there preparing for me. And when we're both able to truly give and receive love, and are capable of being true soul mates and love mates to each other, then our blinders will be removed and we will see each other...clearly.
Okay, so now back to the book.
This is a definite must read for all the other hopeless romantics out there. Touted by the critics for it's saucy, suspense-filled, page-turning plots, When a Man Loves a Woman will make even the most cynical of the cynics believe in and want experience this kind of love - a love for all times.
About the Author

LaConnie Taylor-Jones is an exciting new voice in the romance industry! She’s a health educator consultant and holds advanced degrees in community public health and business administration. She has been an avid reader of romance for over twenty-five years. But thoughts of a romance writing career did not come until the spring of 2003 while complaining to her husband about a romance novel she was reading. It was past midnight and he was tired of her complaints about the book so he offered her this challenge:
“Honey if you can write a better book, do it! But baby, turn out the lights.”
LaConnie took him up on his challenge and she’s never looked back. She has been an active member of the San Francisco Area Chapter of RWA since 2003 and received the Romance Slam Jam 2008 Emma Award for her debut novel, the contemporary, multicultural romance, When I’m With You, published by Genesis Press, November 2007. When a Man Loves a Woman is her second novel!
To learn more about LaConnie and her new novel, When a Man Loves a Woman, visit her online at her:
Website - www.laconnietaylorjones.com/
& Blog - www.laconnietaylorjones.blogspot.com/
A word from Vee to LaConnie: I am so honored that you're stopping by my place today. And how lucky are we that your tired hubby planted that seed of inspiration in your soul that night? And it's kinda romantic too;-)
Peace, Love, & Romance,
Hi Vee:
A soul mate is defined as someone with whom someone else naturally shares deep feelings and attitudes. Aaah, the key word here is naturally.
Like you, I’m a hopeless, never to recover, romantic. And I believe that everyone does have a soul mate. However, in order to receive anything in life, first, a person must be in the right space to accept what’s being offered and acknowledge that what’s being presented is good, right, and what’s best for them.
I’m a betting woman and I’m willing to roll the dice that many people in search of their soul mates have already been introduced to them. However, for whatever reason, they may not be ready to accept them then or ever. Perhaps they’re at a point in their lives where they’re looking for someone with certain attributes they feel will enhance who they are. Or maybe, just maybe, they’ve gone through some experiences, which regrettably, prevent them from accepting the love of a person at all.
Sometimes, our greatest blessings in life come in the most unusual way and at the most inopportune time, and that includes our soul mates.
Thankfully, I’m one of the many women, irrespective of ethnicity, who was in the space to receive her soul mate twenty-four years ago.
Thanks for letting me share your house today and I’ll pop back in a little later.
Yes, LaConnie,
I'm with you whole heartedly.
Note I said, "[...]the blinders will be removed."
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your words of wisdom.
Hi Vee,
THANK YOU so much for hosting our virtual book tour today and for giving us your WONDERFUL response to the question: does everyone have a soulmate?
You said," "I still believe in love, and I still believe he's out there!"
Even though the numbers don't lie and there is a shortage of men for all the women seeking a mate, I'm impressed by your belief that there is a man somewhere out there that GOD created just for you -- AWESOME!
Excellent message you have for us today. Again thank you!
Another die-hard, hopeless and hopeful romantic checking in. LOL
I do believe that everyone has a soul mate, but like Vee said (and I'm a living testimony), sometimes we tend to settle because we get so tired of being alone. And if you're not the perfect size, the perfect skin tone, the perfect everything (thanks to the media)....Well, it just seems that much harder.
But I do believe that there is someone for everyone. You/we may have to go through a few duds first, though. LOL
Hey Vee as always another poignant and thought-provoking post...it's funny we should be discussing soul mates...I was just discussing this with my husband and a girlfriend today...my husband is a romantic but he doesn't believe in soul mates...at least not with his words...but based upon his actions I can say that he is my soul mate...although I've had two during my lifetime...one unfortunately was killed before his time and our marriage by a drunk driver. And I honestly didn't believe that I would ever find another one...but God showed me differently and 17 years later...we're still together...hope to make it a lifetime.
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