Definitely a piece of art that can stand alone.
I started to post it simply for you to use your imagination and come up with your own story, or poem, or epiphany! But then it wouldn't fit into a blog, now would it?
Eerily romantic, and hauntingly captivating, I call this piece The Tree of Life with roots and hidden fruit. Wonder what the artist calls it.
It is
thought provoking.
Emotion evoking.
It's vintage with a hint of new age.
The sky is the limit,
the whole world their stage.
A soft kiss
A warm, but strong embrace
Bodies - still, silent movie
No name, no face.
It's no one
It's everyone
It's love and life
and Divine union
Barbaric, yet gentle
Naked, but unobtrusive
The secrets to life
So simple it's Elusive
With time, will the colors eventually turn green and blue, with hues of orange, brown?
Will there be water and stars and leaves to blow in the wind and fall down?
Will there one day be birds singing and animals playing and running around?
Or will the picture always be sepia-toned with the same message playing out loud
...feel me, see me.
What do you think of when you look at me?
It's vintage with a hint of new age.
The sky is the limit,
the whole world their stage.
Barren surroundings,
yet the tree brings forth life.
But where did he come from?
From the earth or from the sky?
Did he drop down from their loins
and travel through the root cave to the light.
Or did he simply fall from a branch,
you know the one with hidden fruit and remains out of sight?
Sensual and mysterious,
It makes me curious...
Will the babe grow up,
wrap his arms about his parents making the tree ever so much stronger?
Or will he simply crawl away, find a mate,
and plant his roots even longer?
It's vintage with a hint of new age.
The sky is the limit,
the whole world their stage.
Dark and ambiguous,
It makes me curious...
How tall are the branches?
How far do they extend?
How deep are the roots?
Freeze frame deception
-so what did the artist intend?
It's sexual and erotic,
enchanting and exotic.
Profound, and yes to some profane.
But what anyway is in a name?
As Shakespeare so eloquently put it,
titled by any name, it's still the same...
True Art!
PS. And if you're reading this and know the artist's name, please let me know.